
标准光  ?

标准协议光  ?

兼容协议光  ?



SFP光  ?

SFP光?

SFP光  ?

SFP光  ?椴肥欠浩鸬慕狭客淼墓饽  ?,但也是目今应用最普遍的光  ?椴。

SFP光  ?榭捶

SFP(Small Form-factor Pluggables)许多人都把其明确为GBIC的升级版本。SFP光  ?樘寤菺BIC光  ?橹辽亠蕴话,可以在相同面板上设置多出一倍以上的端口 数目。由于SFP  ?樵诠π嫌隚BIC基本一致,因此,也被有些交流机厂商称为小型化GBIC(Mini-GBIC)。

SFP光  ?榈纳

GBIC与SFF在光  ?樯だ讨卸家痪泄苁翘厥獾睦,随着网络的快速生长,它们也逐渐被SFP光  ?槿〈。

SFP光  ?楦荢FF与GBIC光  ?榈纳,由于SFF与GBIC是1X9光  ?橹罅礁銎蛏さ牟,都有自己的优点:小型化与热插拔。

SFP 光  ?榧绦薌BIC的热插拔特征,也借鉴了SFF小型化的优势。接纳LC头,其体积仅为GBIC  ?榈1/2到1/3,  极大的增添了网络装备的端口密度,顺应了网络迅猛生长的趋势,因此获得了最广范的应用,现在主要的装备厂商,无一破例摒弃的GBIC产品,只接纳SFP光  ?椴。由于接纳了统一的标准,各厂家的SFP产品可以兼容,SFP产品可作为一种单独的网络装备采购。

虽然现在已经泛起了许多更高手艺,更新的光  ?椴,但SFP光  ?橐廊换峒绦4婧艹な奔。在SFP之后,光  ?榈纳ぶ饕窍蜃鸥咚俾实纳,现在已经泛起了10G,40G,100G等光  ?。其中SFP+光  ?樾磐谢崾荢FP之后被普遍应用的一代产品。

SFP光  ?榈难⌒停

  • SFP-155M (收发模式:单纤双向/双纤双向/双发双收/单发单收;波长:850nm/1310nm/155nm/CWDM/DMDM可;传输距离:0~160KM可;事情温度:商业级0℃~+70℃/工业级-40℃~+85℃可。
  • SFP-622M(收发模式:单纤双向/双纤双向/双发双收/单发单收;波长:850nm/1310nm/155nm/CWDM/DMDM可;传输距离:0~160KM可;事情温度:商业级0℃~+70℃/工业级-40℃~+85℃可。
  • SFP-1.25G(收发模式:单纤双向/双纤双向/双发双收/单发单收;波长:850nm/1310nm/155nm/CWDM/DMDM可;传输距离:0~160KM可;事情温度:商业级0℃~+70℃/工业级-40℃~+85℃可。
  • SFP-2.5G(收发模式:单纤双向/双纤双向/双发双收/单发单收;波长:850nm/1310nm/155nm/CWDM/DMDM可;传输距离:0~160KM可;事情温度:商业级0℃~+70℃/工业级-40℃~+85℃可。
  • SFP-3.125G(收发模式:单纤双向/双纤双向/双发双收/单发单收;波长:850nm/1310nm/155nm/CWDM/DMDM可;传输距离:0~160KM可;事情温度:商业级0℃~+70℃/工业级-40℃~+85℃可。
  • SFP-4.25G(收发模式:单纤双向/双纤双向/双发双收/单发单收;波长:850nm/1310nm/155nm/CWDM/DMDM可;传输距离:0~160KM可;事情温度:商业级0℃~+70℃/工业级-40℃~+85℃可。
  • SFP多速率(收发模式:单纤双向/双纤双向/双发双收/单发单收;波长:850nm/1310nm/155nm/CWDM/DMDM可;传输距离:0~160KM可;事情温度:商业级0℃~+70℃/工业级-40℃~+85℃可。

1.25G SFP (126)

我公司专业研发制造1.25G SFP光  ?。SFP-1.25G(收发模式:单纤双向/双纤双向/双发双收/单发单收;波长:850nm/1310nm/155nm/CWDM/DMDM可;传输距离:0~160KM可;事情温度:商业级0℃~+70℃/工业级-40℃~+85℃可。
1.25G SFP
SFP-155M双纤光?檠⌒褪植

SFP-155M双纤光  ?檠⌒褪植

SFP-155M双纤光  ?榭捎τ糜冢篎ast Ethernet;SDH STM-1, S-1.1,L-1.1, L-1.2...;SONET OC-3 IR1,LR1,LR2...;Other optical links;Fiber Channel;Switch to Switch interface;Switched backplane applications;Router/Server interface;Other optical transmission systems,产品线齐全:SFP-155M-2KM;SFP-155M-20KM;SFP-155M-40KM;SFP-155M-80KM;SFP-155M-120KM;SFP-155M-160KM;

 10/100/1000BASE-T SFP电口?

10/100/1000BASE-T SFP电口  ?

10/100/1000BASE-T SFP电口  ?

设计用于通过Cat5铜缆的10/100 / 1000BASE-T链路。

 1000BASE-T SFP电口?

1000BASE-T SFP电口  ?

1000BASE-T SFP电口  ?


 工业级10/100BASE-T SFP电口?

工业级10/100BASE-T SFP电口  ?

工业级10/100BASE-T SFP电口  ?

设计用于Cat5铜缆上的10 / 100BASE-T链路。

0~50Mbps TTL SFP Transceiver Module

0~50Mbps TTL SFP Transceiver Module

0~50Mbps TTL SFP Transceiver Module

Product Description
F-tone Networks’s FTCS-13LB-20I series of transceiver modules are the perfect solution for low -speed communication networks.These transceiver modules support data rates up to 50Mbps. 




● 切合 IEEE 802.3z 1000BASE-SX、1000BASE-LX 和1000BASE-ZX
● 支持1.25Gbps的数据传输

1.25G 15km(商温) SFP Transceiver

1.25G 15km(商温) SFP Transceiver

1.25G 15km(商温) SFP Transceiver

The transmitter section and the receiver section work independently in the transceiver. The receiver section contains an InGaAs PIN photo diode, a transimpedance amplifier and a post amplifier (with working data rate up to 1250Mbps), functionally transmit received optical power to steady electrical data. 

1.25G 15KM(工温)SFP Transceiver

1.25G 15KM(工温)SFP Transceiver

1.25G 15KM(工温)SFP Transceiver

The transmitter section and the receiver section work independently in the transceiver. The receiver section contains an InGaAs PIN photo diode, a transimpedance amplifier and a post amplifier (with working data rate up to 1250Mbps), functionally transmit received optical power to steady electrical data.

1.25G 40km(商温)SFP Transceiver

1.25G 40km(商温)SFP Transceiver

1.25G 40km(商温)SFP Transceiver

The transmitter section and the receiver section work independently in the transceiver. The receiver section contains an InGaAs PIN photo diode, a transimpedance amplifier and a post amplifier (with working data rate up to 1250Mbps), functionally transmit received optical power to steady electrical data.

1.25G SFP 1310nm光?

1.25G SFP 1310nm光  ?

1.25G SFP 1310nm光  ?

1.25G SFP 1310nm光  ?槭歉咝阅堋⒕酶咝У哪  ?,支持1.25Gb/s的传输速率和20km SMF传输距离。

FT  耐侵蚀4光2电防水毗连器

1.25G SFP千兆光  ?

1.25G SFP千兆光  ?

设计用于通过双工多;虻ツ9庀司傩星д滓蕴,1G光纤通道,SONET OC-24和SDH STM-8链路



  1.25G-GBIC-10 is Multi-Vendor MSA Compatible GBIC (Gigabit Interface Converter) Transceiver, operating over Double Fiber Single-Mode Fiber (SMF) optical cable. It has minimum guaranteed optical budget of 12 dB, with in most cases is enough to reach about 10 km distance. 



    1.25G-GBIC-40 is Multi-Vendor MSA Compatible GBIC (Gigabit Interface Converter) Transceiver, operating over Double Fiber Single-Mode Fiber (SMF) optical cable. It has minimum guaranteed optical budget of 19 dB, with in most cases is enough to reach about 40 km distance.



    1.25G-GBIC-550 is Multi-Vendor MSA Compatible GBIC (Gigabit Interface Converter) Transceiver, operating over Double Fiber Multi-Mode Fiber (MMF) optical cable. It has minimum guaranteed optical budget of 7.5 dB, with in most cases is enough to reach about 550 m distance.



    1.25G-GBIC-80 is Multi-Vendor MSA Compatible GBIC (Gigabit Interface Converter) Transceiver, operating over Double Fiber Single-Mode Fiber (SMF) optical cable. It has minimum guaranteed optical budget of 24 dB, with in most cases is enough to reach about 80 km distance. 

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