







CWDM SFP+ 10G 光?

CWDM SFP+ 10G光?槭且恢置嫦虺怯蛲尤氩愕牡捅厩甒DM传输手艺 。CWDM SFP+ 10G光?接纳CWDM手艺 ,可以通过外接波分复用器 ,将差别波长的光信号复合在一起 ,通过一根光 纤举行传输 ,从而节约光纤资源 。同时 ,吸收端需要使用波剖析复用器对复光信号举行剖析 。CWDM SFP+ 10G光?分为18个波段 ,从1270nm~1610nm ,每 两个波段之间相隔20nm 。

从原理上讲 ,CWDM SFP+ 10G光?就是使用恢复用器将差别波长的光信号复用至单根光纤举行传输 ,在链路的吸收端 ,借助光解复用器将光纤中的混淆信号剖析为差别波长的信号 ,毗连到响应的吸收装备 。

  • CWDM SFP+ 10G 40KM Transceiver
  • CWDM SFP+ 10G 80KM Transceiver
  • CWDM SFP+ 10G 120KM Transceiver




 16G光纤通道CWDM SFP+光?椋10km)

16G光纤通道CWDM SFP+光?椋10km)

16G光纤通道CWDM SFP+光?椋10km)

BG大游16GFC CWDM SFP+光?橹С14Gb/s数据速率设计 。CWDM EML发送器,传输距离可达10km,最大功耗为2W 。

10G 10G CWDM光?

10G 10G CWDM光?

10G 10G CWDM光?


10G SFP+ CWDM 20KM 光?椋1270~1570nm)

10G SFP+ CWDM 20KM 光?椋1270~1570nm)

10G SFP+ CWDM 20KM 光?椋1270~1570nm)

Product description
F-tone Networks SFP+LR CWDM Transceiver is a “Limiting module”, designed for 10GBASE-LR, and 2G/4G/ 8G/10G Fiber- Channel applications.The transceiver consists of two sections: The transmitter section incorporates a DFB laser. And the receiver section consists of a APD photodiode integrated with a TIA. 

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 100km Optical Transceiver Module

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 100km Optical Transceiver Module

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 100km Optical Transceiver Module

F-tone Networks’FTCS-Cxx1X-H0Dxx SFP+ transceiver is designed for use in 10-Gigabit Ethernet links up to 100km over single mode fiber. The module consists of CWDM EML Laser, APD and Preamplifier in a high-integrated optical sub-assembly. Digital diagnostics functions are available via a 2-wire serial interface, as specified in SFF-8472.

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 10km Optical Transceiver Module

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 10km Optical Transceiver Module

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 10km Optical Transceiver Module

FTCS-Cxx1X-DZ01I SFP+ transceiver is designed for use in 10-Gigabit Ethernet links up to 10km over single mode fiber. The module consists of CWDM DFB Laser, 850nm VCSEL and Preamplifier in a high-integrated optical sub-assembly. Digital diagnostics functions are available via a 2-wire serial interface, as specified in SFF-8472.

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 10km Optical Transceiver Module

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 10km Optical Transceiver Module

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 10km Optical Transceiver Module

FTCS-C371X-DZM-210726 SFP+ transceiver is designed for use in 10-Gigabit Ethernet links up to 10km over single mode fiber. The module consists of CWDM DFB Laser, PIN and Preamplifier in a high-integrated optical sub-assembly. Digital diagnostics functions are available via a 2-wire serial interface, as specified in SFF-8472.

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 10km 光?椋1270~1450)

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 10km 光?椋1270~1450)

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 10km 光?

FTCS-Cxx1X(1270~1450)-DZxx SFP+ transceiver is designed for use in 10-Gigabit Ethernet links up to 10km over single mode fiber. The module consists of CWDM DFB Laser, 850nm VCSEL and Preamplifier in a high-integrated optical sub-assembly.

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 10km 光?椋ǘㄖ瓶罹芳叮

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 10km 光?椋ǘㄖ瓶罹芳叮

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 10km 光?椋ǘㄖ瓶罹芳叮

FTCS-C371X-DZM-210726 SFP+光?樯杓朴糜诘ツ9庀松铣ご10km的万兆以太网链路 。该?橛蒀WDM DFB激光器、PIN和前置放大器组成一个高度集成的光学子组件 。数字诊断功效可通过SFF-8472中划定的2线串行接口获得 。

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 10km 光?椋ǘㄖ瓶罟ひ导叮

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 10km 光?椋ǘㄖ瓶罟ひ导叮

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 10km 光?椋ǘㄖ瓶罟ひ导叮

FTCS-Cxx1X-DZ01I SFP+光?樯杓朴糜诘ツ9庀松铣ご10km的万兆以太网链路 。该?橛蒀WDM DFB激光器、850nm VCSEL和前置放大器组成一个高度集成的光学子组件 。数字诊断功效可通过SFF-8472中划定的2线串行接口获得 。

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 10km 光?椋úǔた裳。

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 10km 光?椋úǔた裳 。

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 10km 光?

F-tone Networks’FTCS-Cxx1X-10Dxx SFP+ transceiver is designed for use in 10-Gigabit Ethernet links up to 10km over single mode fiber. The module consists of CWDM DFB Laser, PIN and Preamplifier in a high-integrated optical sub-assembly. Digital diagnostics functions are available via a 2-wire serial interface, as specified in SFF-8472.

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 20km Optical Transceiver Module

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 20km Optical Transceiver Module

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 20km Optical Transceiver Module

FTCS-C351X-DZM-210726 SFP+ transceiver is designed for use in 10-Gigabit Ethernet links up to 20km over single mode fiber. The module consists of CWDM DFB Laser, 850nm VCSEL and Preamplifier in a high-integrated optical sub-assembly. Digital diagnostics functions are available via a 2-wire serial interface, as specified in SFF-8472.

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 40km Optical Transceiver Module

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 40km Optical Transceiver Module

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 40km Optical Transceiver Module

FTCS-Cxx1X(1470~1610)-DZxx SFP+ transceiver is designed for use in 10-Gigabit Ethernet links up to 40km over single mode fiber. The module consists of CWDM EML Laser, 850nm VCSEL and Preamplifier in a high-integrated optical sub-assembly. 

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 40km 光收发?椋ǘㄖ瓶睿

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 40km 光收发?椋ǘㄖ瓶睿

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 40km 光收发?

FTCS-Cxx1X(1470~1610)-DZxx SFP+光?樯杓朴糜诘ツ9庀松铣ご40km的万兆以太网链路 。该?橛蒀WDM EML激光器、850nm VCSEL和前置放大器组成一个高度集成的光学子组件 。数字诊断功效可通过SFF-8472中划定的2线串行接口获得 。

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 40km 光?

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 40km 光?

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 40km 光?

F-tone’FTCS-C131X-40Dxx SFP+ transceiver is designed for use in 10-Gigabit Ethernet links up to 40km over single mode fiber. The module consists of CWDM DFB Laser, PIN and Preamplifier in a high-integrated optical sub-assembly. 

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 80km Optical Transceiver Module

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 80km Optical Transceiver Module

10Gb/s SFP+ CWDM 80km Optical Transceiver Module

F-tone Networks’FTCS-Cxx1X-80Dxx SFP+ transceiver is designed for use in 10-Gigabit Ethernet links up to 80km over single mode fiber. The module consists of CWDM EML Laser, APD and Preamplifier in a high-integrated optical sub-assembly. Digital diagnostics functions are available via a 2-wire serial interface, as specified in SFF-8472.

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